Our CRA Charity Status

The Harbour Newmarket is a ministry of Newmarket BIC Church, which has applied for Registered Charity status with the Canada Revenue Agency.

Until we receive our own charity status, we're operating under the supervision of and as a part of Connect City. Tax-deductible receipts will be issued by Connect City.

Please make cheques payable to Connect City Newmarket.

Ways to Give


Send e-transfer donations to [email protected]

Important: Please include your name, mailing address, email and phone number with your first donation

Pre-authorized Withdrawals

Automatic recurring donations from your bank account can be arranged
by completing our Pre-Authorized Debit form.

Scan and email the completed form and a void cheque to [email protected], or return the completed form with a void cheque to the church office at
644 Gorham Street, Newmarket ON L3Y 1L4


Make one-time or recurring donations by credit card, or manage your donor profile


Please make cheques payable to Connect City Newmarket

Mail to: 644 Gorham Street, Newmarket ON L3Y 1L4